Challenge Day 61 - Space Day 31 - It's Time to Go
It’s Time to Go
It’s time to go,
It’s time to leave space.
We’ve been here so long,
But we must leave this place.
I know it’s hard,
We’ve had great fun,
But Earth is calling,
And our travels are done.
For now at least,
But not forever,
We will come back,
Because space is clever.
It draws you in,
And makes you wonder,
Of other places,
In the great wide yonder.
It’s time to land,
Try something new,
Time to go,
And see the zoo.
We’ll talk of animals,
And people as well,
Where these stories lead,
No one can tell.
But space still calls,
From far far away,
And we will return,
To it someday.