Challenge Day 66 - Animal Day 5 - Kenny the Kangaroo Needs A New Nickname
Kenny the Kangaroo Needs a New Nickname
I’ve been called Kenny,
And Kanga,
And of course I’ve been called Ken.
My mom calls me Sweetie,
My dad calls me Sport,
And for my siblings I am Ren.
My friends call me K,
Well, not just my friends,
And sometimes I wonder if
I should go by Ben.
There’s a K in my name,
And Kangaroo too,
But it just seems to lack
That creative bend.
I could go somewhere
Completely random,
Like Hammy, or Elvis,
Or something like Zend.
It’s needs to be new,
Uniquely me,
A name no one knows,
And could start a new trend.
Let me think,
Let me think,
I just need some time
To think.
I got it, it’s perfect,
It’s new and unique,
The best nickname
And a perfect name link.
I like it,
It’s short,
And it’s fun too.
I am going to start
Going by
Kenny ‘Roo’
The Kangaroo.
“Hey Kenny,
You ever hear
Of the story