Challenge Day 36 - Space Day 6 - Kneel Pawstrong
Kneel Pawstrong
The day – July 20th, 1969
Place – The Moon
Crew – Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Kneel Pawstrong
We know about Neil,
We know about Buzz,
But what about Kneel?
Kneel Pawstrong
Was a Golden Retriever
Born in south Georgia.
His parents,
Mary Puppins and Sherlock Bones,
Had Kneel in 1964
And knew that he was
Made for something special.
A year after his birth,
They moved to Cape Canaveral, Florida
For Sherlock’s new job
at NASA!
The goal…
Get the first dog to the moon.
You see,
Every dog knows
That NASA needs dogs astronauts,
Called Dogtronauts,
Even more then they need humans.
But they keep it quiet,
Humans just couldn’t handle it.
So when they moved
Kneel decided that he wanted…
No he knew that he had to do it.
Become a Dogtronaut.
And become a Dogtronaut he did.
Not only did he do it,
He became the best.
The strongest,
The smartest,
And the most ready for space.
Training hand in hand with the guys,
They all prepared
For the trip into outer space.
They trained night and day,
And became quite the team,
Ready for the challenges
They’d see on the way.
The launch was a success,
All the way to the moon,
Until they started their descent.
Something went wrong,
Nothing anyone could do,
Except Kneel,
had trained for this.
With his paws,
And his mouth,
And even his tail,
He guided them safely down.
As a thanks for his work,
They let him go first,
The first dog, man, and animal,
To walk on the moon.
So next time that you
Find yourself looking up
Late at night.
Don’t forget about Kneel,
The first dog on the moon,
And his famous first words,
“Bark, bark bark bark bark.”
Which roughly translates to
“This is one small step for dog,
One giant leap… Um…
I’m on the moon.”