Challenge Day 73 - Animal Day 12 - Quit Calling Me Lion
Stop Calling Me Lion
Do you know
That Lions
Are noble and proud?
We travel in prides,
Own the grasslands,
And keep peace in the crowd.
We’re known for our size,
Our manes,
And or roars.
But more importantly,
We’re known for
Our cores.
We are always prompt,
We love our families,
And the color blue.
We like to run,
We laugh a lot,
And everything that we say is true.
That’s right,
You may have heard,
That sometimes we lie.
But that’s not the truth,
We don’t lie,
We couldn’t even if we try.
Lions don’t lie,
And Cheetahs don’t cheat.
But beavers do play bongos
With a sick thumping beat.