Challenge Day 51 - Space Day 21 - Spa Day
Spa Day
I’m so confused,
Isn’t the month of May
Supposed to be about Space?
Well yes,
It is,
And today works.
No it doesn’t,
We are going to a spa,
No space.
Just wait,
I promise you,
There will be space today.
Yesterday barely qualified.
A joke about Wall-E
And Star Wars,
Does not count.
First off,
They do,
And that was funny.
Second off,
Today will work.
You just have to trust me.
How in the world
Is a spa day
Going to count on space month?
You should be working on this harder.
I’m not only working on it,
I am getting better,
And more creative,
And today will be perfect…
It’s on you,
I hope you’re right,
Here we are.
Spa CE
Where’s the space?
This is just a normal spa.
Read it again.
Spa CE
Spa CE.
I don’t get it.
Put the two together.
Now as one word.
I’m leaving.