Challenge Day 78 - Animal Day 17
The lions and tigers are bare, oh my
The lions and tigers
Woke up yesterday,
And they didn’t have
A hair on their body.
They hid,
And they thought,
And couldn’t remember
The lions
Had run,
And eaten,
And lounged around all day.
But after dinner
There isn’t much there,
They ate,
And then I guess an early bedtime.
The tigers, however,
Remember some more,
There was dinner,
And dancing,
With some late
Jumping and Prancing.
But after dessert,
A nice key lime pie,
There’s nothing else,
Just blank in their mind.
The bears all are laughing,
Giggling to their selves,
“How long til they notice,
We shaved ‘bears rule!’
On their rears?”