Challenge Day 41 - Space Day 11 - the missing planet
the missing planet
I only count eight,
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven, eight.
Hey, are we missing a planet?
I believe there are supposed to be
Nine in this sector.
Yes sir,
Nine in this sector,
Nine planets accounted for.
I thought so,
But I am only seeing eight,
Can I get a recount?
Yes sir,
We have recounted,
Nine planets.
You’re killing me,
Unless one is hiding,
Or invisible,
There are only eight.
No sir,
There are nine,
I can see them all right now.
I am looking at them right now,
Working your way out you have:
The small one by the star
The second and third
Are close in size
Venus and Earth
Then there’s the red one
The big one
And then there’s the two with rings
Uranus and Saturn
And then the ever-disputed Pluto
Yes sir, and Neptune.
I don’t see Neptune,
I’m looking now.
No Neptune.
You’re standing on it…