Challenge Day 85 - Animal Day 24
The Whale Tale
Back in the sea,
So long ago,
There were whales so big,
And continued to grow.
The smallest whales
Were the size of a plane,
And the biggest ones
Were completely insane.
They could swim the oceans
In only one breath,
There was no deepness
That was too deep a depth.
There was one in the north,
And two in the south,
There were a few in the middle,
But none like Mouth.
Mouth was the whale
That started it all,
Bigger then everyone,
He wore the whale crown.
Mouth ran the ocean,
He was the king,
With his trident, and scepter,
And dolphin ring.
He’d swim,
And he’d jump,
With his fin,
He’d fin pump.
Until he jumped
Once too high,
Way, way too high,
All the way through the sky.
Through the clouds,
With some fear,
As it became clear,
He’s past atmosphere.
And now he’s stuck
There out in space,
Mouth’s now the moon,
King Whale of that place.